Source : Google Images
Otak-otak, well if you could understand what otak means in Malay, you would be afraid to eat it then. Otak means brain. Don't get scared instead you should definitely try it because food like this can only be found abundantly in Malaysia.
Otak-otak is a grilled fish cake which is made from ground fish meat mixed wih tapiaco starch and spices. It is usually found in Southeast Asia. Otak-otak is derived from Indonesia where it is served fresh, wrapped inside a banana leaf. It can be eaten solely as a snack or steamed rice as a part of meal. Otak-otak from Malaysia and Singapore has reddish-orange or brown coloring acquired from chili, turmeric and curry powder.
Otak-otak here is made of ground fish meat mixed with some spices, such as the chili, turmeric and curry powder. the bones of the fish is first removed. The fish meat is then blended using machine to make it softer. The spices are then added and are mixed well. Otak-otak is usually wrapped insidde the attap leaves where its scientific name is Arenga Pinnata are clipped using stapler or toothpick at the two ends before being grilled or roasted on the stove. (wikipedia)
Don't worry it is not that spicy. The spiciness of the otak-otak depends on the amouont of chillies and curry powder that are added. It is also suitable for children as it is boneless. We can also add up some other meat rather than fish like prawns, cuttlefish, fishhead and also chicken. Otak-otak also can be steamed rather than grilling or raosting. It is most suitable to eat it during the tea time.
Remember if you're going to try this in Terengganu, you can't tell the people there that you want otak-otak because there the call it Sata.
So have fun trying some new foods!